Home Care Assistance in Lyons KS

Signs of Mental Health Problems in Your Senior

Poor mental health can lead to physical health problems, relationship issues, and emotional distress. So it’s important to focus on mental health so we can prevent these issues and maintain our overall well-being as we age. But if you are new at caring for your senior loved one, you may wonder if there are any signs to look for when it comes to mental health problems. You may think that some of these signs are due to their age, but that’s not always the case. So here are a few things that you or home care assistance can look for regarding mental health issues in your loved one.

A Change In Hygiene

All seniors should bathe no matter how old they get; if they need extra help, this is something that home care assistance may be able to help with. However, even with this extra help, if there is a change in what they are willing to do, home care assistance can’t force your loved one to do anything; they are just there to provide an extra set of eyes and hands. If you notice your senior has changed the way they dress or bathe, it could be a sign of something you are unaware of. You and home care assistance need to notice these small changes because they could be a sign of something bigger.

Seniors May Withdraw

If your senior loves to go out to bingo or some activity at the local community center, that is one of the best activities and ways to keep them socialized. However, if they start withdrawing from these activities and purposely isolating themselves away from others their age, it could be a sign of a mental health issue. However, there may be days your senior loved one just doesn’t want to go out. Ask yourself if they have skipped one session or multiple sessions of doing something they love. If they missed their favorite activity once, it could be due to something unrelated to mental health, but it is still important to note.

They Start Losing Interest

No matter what age you are, you need hobbies! This is something that seniors need too. They need something to keep themselves busy and happy. However, if they suddenly give up their passions and hobbies, this could be a sign that they are mentally struggling. If they have given up the things they love to do, it can be detrimental to their health and is something to observe.

Seniors Make Negative Comments About Themselves

If your senior has a positive attitude toward their life but starts making negative comments, it is time to ask them or what’s going on. Maybe they’re stressed about things and start feeling like a burden. This is not a good line of thought and should be stopped quickly. However, they may not want to talk to their adult children and instead want to get the help of a therapist who can help change their outlook on life.

A Change In Weight

All seniors should be eating regularly. If they stop eating or start overeating, which can cause a massive weight shift, this is another sign of mental health issues. Home care assistance can help seniors prepare meals and stay on a regular schedule, but some seniors may start skipping meals because of stress, anxiety, or depression.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care assistance in Lyons, KS, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home Central Kansas today. Call 620-603-0685.

Touching Hearts at Home Central Kansas is a Trusted Home Care Agency Barton, Dickinson, Edwards, Ellis, Ellsworth, Great Bend, Hutchinson, Larned, Lyons, Marion, McPherson, Newton, Pawnee, Rice, Reno, Salina, Sedgwick, Stafford, and the surrounding areas.

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