Touching Hearts at Home Franchise Owners Regional Meeting

David Settle, Administrator and co-owner of Touching Hearts at Home of Central Kansas attended the Touching Hearts at Home franchise owners S.W. Regional meeting in Ft. Worth, TX on April 22nd. Other franchisees from around the country as well as home office representatives attended the two day meeting. Settle, who served as the S.W. Regional Director for 2023 and 2024, led the meeting, which is an opportunity for owners to share information and ideas with each other as well as learn best practices and other vital industry information. Seated at the table from the left are franchisee Allan Hunt, Houston, TX; Touching Hearts at Home CEO Aaron Stromley, Minneapolis, MN; franchisee David Settle, McPherson, KS; franchisee Tremaine Davis, Irondale, AL; franchisee Ryan Fensler, Denver, CO; and Ryan Lungstrom from the corporate office in Minneapolis, MN. Franchisees from Texas, Alabama, Kansas, Colorado and Arizona were represented at the meeting.

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