Home Care Assistance in Miamisburg OH

What Signs Say it’s Time for Home Care Assistance?

So often family members worry that they’re overstepping boundaries with their aging family members when they dig deeper into whether they need a little extra help or not. That can cause delays in hiring home care assistance that your senior might desperately need. Looking for the signs that she could use some help is the first step.

Her Mental Health Is Changing

Your senior’s moods and general mental health can tell you a lot about what is happening with her overall. If you’re noticing that she’s depressed more often or that her moods are all over the place, there could be a reason for those changes. It’s important to try to talk to your senior about what she’s experiencing if you’re noticing anything that seems out of character for her.

Her Physical Health Is Changing

When your elderly family member’s health is changing, particularly if those changes are rapid ones, it’s time for elder care help. Your elderly family member may be expending a lot more energy and time than she wants you to know in keeping up with daily tasks. Having some help from caregivers can allow her to focus on her health issues.

You’re Noticing Certain Tasks Cause Her to Struggle

Is your senior’s home messier than usual? Or is she making some odd choices when it comes to meals? These can be indications that she’s having more trouble with these sorts of tasks. Home care assistance can make quick work of things like tidying her home, keeping up with laundry, and making sure that your senior is eating healthy foods when she should. She won’t have to struggle to keep up with her daily task list with help.

She Doesn’t Want to Talk about What’s Happening

Often family caregivers find that their family members don’t want to talk about what is happening. There are lots of reasons for this. Sometimes it’s related to embarrassment, other times it’s related to wanting to remain independent. It can also be because your elderly family member doesn’t want to burden you with helping her yourself. But unless you know what is giving her trouble, you can’t do much to help.

Or She Mentions that She Needs Help

The other big sign is when your aging family member openly tells you that she’s having difficulties with her daily life. When she tells you that she needs help, take that at face value. It’s a good sign that she’s willing to be open with you about what she’s finding challenging. Asking some additional questions can help you to get the home care assistance that she truly needs lined up for her.

Whether your elderly family member is reluctant to discuss any of these issues or she’s open and willing to try new ideas, it’s important that you do your own investigating into what is happening in her life. This isn’t about being nosy, it’s about doing what you can to make her life easier and safer, so that she can continue to live her life on her own terms.

If you are considering home care assistance in Miamisburg, OH, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts At Home of Dayton today at 937-870-2015.

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