Room for Self-Care Has to Be Part of Your Parents' Care Plan

For some reason, you’re stepping in to provide the care your parents need. Whether your mom had a stroke or your dad’s dealing with severe arthritis pain, they need you. In the process of building a care plan that meets their needs, it’s easy to overlook self-care. And in doing so the need to hire companion care a home services should be considered.

Companion Care at Home Murfreesboro TN - Room for Self-Care Has to Be Part of Your Parents' Care Plan
Companion Care at Home Murfreesboro TN – Room for Self-Care Has to Be Part of Your Parents’ Care Plan

If you’re not taking care of yourself, you risk burning out or suffering from your own health issues. What happens then? It’s time to put self-care in their care plan to make sure everyone’s needs are covered.

Things You Shouldn’t Ignore

One of the most common issues with family caregivers is that they stop scheduling their appointments to focus on their parents’ care. Your mom has anemia and has to go see her doctor every three months for blood tests to check her iron levels. Between that and your dad’s therapy appointments, you feel like you’re always in a medical office.

You stop trying to fit in appointments for yourself. Even if you have the time, you don’t like leaving your mom or dad in the waiting room. You can’t leave them alone. It’s easier to skip your appointments, but that’s risky if there’s something wrong. Catching medical issues early is always better.

Also, don’t miss out on chances to socialize. Mental and physical health is better when you’re social. Loneliness and isolation can be detrimental. Leave time each week to go out with friends, enjoy a date night with a significant other, or play games with your kids.

Discuss Your Needs With Others in the Family

If you’re not an only child, do your brothers or sisters help out? If they’re close enough to help out, they should do as much as they can. Even offering to stop and pick up groceries each week can save you a lot of time.

Talk about the things they could do to help you out. If they refuse, that’s on them. At that point, turn to the assistance offered by companion care at home aides.

Take Breaks By Hiring Companion Care at Home Services

Always leave room in the schedule for the breaks you need to focus on your care needs. Companion care at home services like respite care send caregivers to assist your parents while you’re away. You might want a few days off to go on vacation and unwind.

Take time off to catch up on medical and dental appointments. Make sure your self-care plan includes days for socializing with friends. Finally, use companion care at home care providers when you’re not feeling well and need to have time to recuperate. Call to learn more about respite care.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Companion Care at Home Services in Murfreesboro TN, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home. Serving Middle Tennessee (Nashville, Brentwood, Belle Meade, Franklin, Spring Hill, Columbia, Pulaski, and more!) Call today: 629-203-7925.

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