Elder Care Help for Mom With Sarcoma Diagnosis

Some cancers form in soft tissue or bones. When the tumor is in the bones, muscles, fatty tissue, nerves, etc., it’s diagnosed as sarcoma. July is Sarcoma Awareness Month, and it’s an excellent time for you and her elder care aides to learn more about this disease and what it means for your mom when she’s diagnosed with it.

Most Sarcomas Start in the Arm or Leg

Elder Care Pulaski TN - Elder Care Help for Mom With Sarcoma Diagnosis
Elder Care Pulaski TN – Elder Care Help for Mom With Sarcoma Diagnosis

There are more than four dozen types of sarcoma. One out of 10 sarcomas starts in an arm or leg. After that, the abdomen and torso are the second most common area. The head and neck are third on this list and account for about 10 percent of cases.

Sarcoma is a Rarer Form of Cancer

Sarcoma isn’t one of the most common types of cancer. It accounts for around 0.7 percent of new cancer cases. Some of them are more likely to occur in childhood than others. Just as some sarcomas, such as liposarcomas, are often diagnosed in your 50’s and 60’s. Myxofibrosarcomas and undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas are most often diagnosed in the elderly.

Most Sarcomas Have No Cause

Sometimes, doctors can link dietary habits or vices to cancers. For example, lung cancer is more common in smokers than non-smokers. A diet high in fiber lowers your risk of colorectal cancer. Sunburns and lack of use of sunscreen are linked to skin cancer.

Many sarcomas have no cause. Some have been linked to exposure to chemicals and radiation. Others are found to have a genetic link, but many of the other forms of sarcoma have no cause, which makes them harder to figure out.

Talk About Elder Care Services

When your mom has sarcoma, it’s important to talk about elder care services. Treatment plans vary, but it’s likely your mom will need surgery to remove the cancerous tissue. After her surgery, she may not be able to do the things she’s used to doing.

If she had surgery behind her knee, she might need to limit movement on that leg. Her doctor may ask her to avoid stairs. If that happens, she can’t walk up and down the stairs. Depending on her home’s layout, she may not be able to do her own laundry until the stitches come out.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also common treatments for sarcoma. If your mom is tired and feeling sick, elder care can help her with personal care, meal preparation, medication reminders, and housework.

Talk to your mom’s doctor about her treatment plan. That is an important step to take when understanding the care she’ll need days and weeks from now. Once you know what care is necessary, call our elder care agency to make arrangements for caregivers.

Source: https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/sarcomas-soft-tissue/introduction

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care Services in Pulaski TN, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home. Serving Middle Tennessee (Nashville, Brentwood, Belle Meade, Franklin, Spring Hill, Columbia, Pulaski, and more!) Call today: 629-203-7925.

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