In-Home Care Belleview FL - How to Help Your Loved One's Digestion

How to Help Your Loved One's Digestion

Digestion is a process that works to break down food in the body, and as your loved one gets older, this process slows way down. It can lead to feeling uncomfortable and even constipated, which is why focusing on digestion can be crucial. A huge part of being a senior is focusing on diet and how well your body digests the foods you eat. It can be hard to want to focus on digestion because it’s not something most people think about, especially when they’re younger. In-home care providers can help your loved one with digestion concerns and how to improve it..

However, here are some tips that may help your loved one improve their digestion and that in-home care can assist with.

Look at Medications

Some medications can cause constipation or other digestive problems. In-home care can be a good person to help observe how a senior is feeling after taking a certain medication. They are paid not only to be a companion but also to help ensure a senior feels good throughout the day. If they start to notice your loved one doesn’t feel good after a certain medication, they can bring this attention to your senior, who can then report it to their doctors. A medicine may need to be changed to help a senior with digestive issues. On the other hand, a senior may want to ask the doctor about any medication they can take to help their digestion.

Keep Exercising

As a senior, it can be hard to want to exercise in any way. However, moving around can help digestion remain normal even as they age. They should aim for thirty minutes a day or even break it up into 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Two walks can improve digestion, mood, and focus throughout the day. Finding exercises that are easy on the joints and fun for seniors will be crucial as they age. Luckily, in-home care can help a senior get to any senior classes or enjoy walks in the neighborhood with your loved one.

Avoid Trigger Foods

Not all people will have the same trigger foods; for some people, it’s dairy, others have a hard time with gluten. When you notice certain foods cause issues, you should focus on avoiding them. In-home care can help your loved one read all packaging to ensure they’re avoiding certain foods. A senior’s doctor may have a list of certain foods a senior should avoid, so always start by asking their doctor and writing down a list of foods or ingredients to keep an eye on. A senior should always be focused on a healthy diet.

In-Home Care Belleview FL - How to Help Your Loved One's Digestion

Illustration about In-Home Care Belleview FL – How to Help Your Loved One’s Digestion

Take Probiotics

Taking a probiotic is technically taking a microorganism that helps with gut health. If your loved one has never taken a probiotic, it’s something to consider. Every senior should talk to their healthcare provider before adding anything to their diet. This is considered good bacteria helpful when battling things that come from digestive issues like constipation. You can also add this to your diet rather than taking a supplement. You can find it in yogurt, kombucha, and apple cider vinegar. Experiment and find a way to get probiotics that works for your senior.

If you or an aging loved one are considering In-Home Care Services in Belleview FL please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home Ocala & The Villages, FL today. Call 352-414-5316

Touching Hearts at Home Ocala & The Villages, FL is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Ocala, The Villages, Dunnellon, Belleview, Top of the World, and the surrounding areas.

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