
Touching Hearts at Home Blog

For constipation prevention: ensure adequate fluids (Plum Start, prune juice–if tolerated); offer increased fibers (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, Fiber-One bars, Prune Bran recipe includes–Box of All Bran Cereal, 4 cups of Prune Juice, 1 Tablespoon…

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All of our body parts, organs, and cells need adequate blood supplies which is how oxygen is carried to sustain life.  An easy way to check for adequate circulation to extremities (arms & legs) is…

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What are the signs that death is approaching? What can the caregiver do to make the client comfortable? Certain signs and symptoms can help a caregiver anticipate when death is near. They are described below,…

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You already know that obvious symptoms, such as chest pain and severe abdominal pain, require immediate medical attention. But the not-so-obvious symptoms may leave you wondering whether you need to seek care. Here’s a list…

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Some heart attacks are sudden and intense where no one doubts what’s happening. But most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren’t sure what’s wrong and wait too long…

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We are continually being reminded that exercise to our body and mind has tremendous impact upon our health and well-being. Here is another recent study to support these findings: Staying mentally active by engaging in…

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