24-Hour Home Care in Mamaroneck NY

How to Help a Senior Family Member Who Has Incontinence

Incontinence can be challenging for seniors to manage on their own, especially when they find it embarrassing to talk about. With extra support and lots of understanding, it’s possible to deal with incontinence in a way that is simple and that reduces the stigma associated with this condition. 24-hour home care can help seniors manage incontinence and a host of other concerns, too.

Stay Calm and Relaxed about the Situation

The first thing to remember when dealing with incontinence is to stay calm and relaxed about the entire situation. Getting upset only makes negative feelings like embarrassment and frustration bigger and more difficult to manage. Approaching the situation with a supportive attitude goes a long way.

Pay Attention to Hydration

Something that seniors may start to do when they experience incontinence is to skip drinking fluids. This is a huge problem, however, because it can lead to dehydration and a variety of other health issues. Home care providers can help seniors to continue to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and stick to a bathroom schedule that can help them to reduce the likelihood of accidents due to incontinence.

Adjust the Menu a Bit

For some seniors, dietary triggers can be a factor when it comes to incontinence. Keeping a food log can help them to notice foods that are contributing to their incontinence issues. Irritating foods like spicy foods, caffeine, and even carbonation can all pose a problem. Talking to healthcare providers can also help seniors to spot potential dietary changes that might help.

Protect the Furniture

One reason seniors can feel a lot of embarrassment about incontinence can involve accidents, especially on furniture in their homes. There are lots of different tools that can help, however. Waterproof mattress pads and chair pads can help to protect furniture and can allow seniors to relax and worry less about accidents. These tools can also help to make cleanup a lot easier.

Rethink Clothing Choices

Choosing the right clothes can make a difference in discreet incontinence management, too. Clothing that is easy to get on and off and that is easily washable matters. This means that seniors don’t have to struggle with clothing in the bathroom. Fabrics that are easily washable also mean that accidents are easy to clean up and that smells and stains won’t stick around.

Get Some More Help

Dealing with incontinence on a daily basis means that seniors may need extra help. Whether that means having help in the bathroom or more help in general with cleanup, meals, and routines that support healthy living, 24-hour home care services can be the perfect option. Often family caregivers don’t have experience managing conditions like incontinence, so it’s vital to have experienced caregivers available around the clock.

Supporting seniors who are dealing with incontinence requires lots of patience and practical strategies. 24-hour home care providers can help family caregivers understand what they’re up against and develop plans for making life both easier and safer for their aging adults. Addressing incontinence is so much less complicated with the right help and tools.

If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-hour home care in Mamaroneck, NY, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home – Manhattan, Brooklyn, Westchester, Queens, Rockland today. 646-480-6266

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