Personal Care at Home in Greenwich Village NY

The Benefits Of Compression Socks For Seniors

It’s very common for seniors to have poor circulation. Seniors who have conditions like chronic venous insufficiency, diabetes, or peripheral artery disease may need to wear medical grade compression stockings prescribed by a doctor. Compression stockings can very difficult to get on each day. Often seniors need personal care at home to help them put on compression stockings.

But seniors who don’t need medical compression stockings can still benefit from wearing compression socks. Compression socks are light compression designed to give circulation a boost. They are often worn by people who sit at a desk all day. Anyone who is sedentary and doesn’t get as much activity as they should can benefit from wearing compression socks. Personal care at home can help seniors put on compression socks as well as helping them get dressed, shower, and attend to other hygiene tasks.

Some of the benefits of compression socks for seniors are:

Improved Blood Circulation

The biggest benefit of compression socks is better circulation. Graduated compression socks improve the flow of blood throughout the legs and the lower half of the body. They are tight at the ankle and help push blood through the veins in the leg. This can help prevent varicose veins as well as improving overall health.

Reduced Swelling and Edema

Wearing compression socks relieves the sensation of “heavy” legs that can come when blood pools in the feet and ankles. Compression socks also help reduce edema, or swelling, in the ankles, feet, and legs. Many seniors have edema that is caused by inactivity, medication side effects, high blood pressure, or hot weather. Seniors what have limited mobility and spend a lot of time sitting often find that compression socks can reduce swelling in their legs.

Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

DVT is a very serious condition. When seniors develop DVT they have blood clots deep in the veins in the legs. If those clots aren’t dissolved they can cause heart attacks or strokes if they break free and travel to other parts of the body. Compression socks can help prevent the formation of blood clots in the legs by increasing circulation.

Alleviation of Leg Discomfort and Fatigue

Seniors who experience leg pain, heaviness, or fatigue can find relief through the use of compression socks. The gentle pressure provided by these socks helps support the muscles and reduces discomfort, making it easier for seniors to stay active and mobile.

Support for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be very painful for seniors.Women often varicose veins as a result of pregnancies earlier in their lives. And people who have worked jobs where they had to stand on their feet most of the time also are more prone to varicose veins. Compression socks can provide support to the weakened vein walls and reduce the symptoms associated with varicose veins. While compression socks may not eliminate existing varicose veins, they can help prevent new ones from forming and minimize the progression of existing ones.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering personal care at home in Greenwich Village, NY, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home – Manhattan, Brooklyn, Westchester, Queens, Rockland today. 646-480-6266

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