Home Care The Villages FL - The Most Common Scams Right Now Targeting Seniors

The Most Common Scams Right Now Targeting Seniors

Unfortunately, seniors are often the targets of scammers. Many scammers assume that seniors who are living independently will be easy targets. Sometimes they are right. In 2021 alone more than 100,000 seniors fell victim to scams. Every year seniors lose over a billion dollar to scammers. In some cases seniors lose everything that they have saved. Getting home care services is one of the things that can help seniors avoid being victims of scams.

It’s very important for seniors and their families to be aware of the most common scams targeting seniors. There are some things that seniors can do to protect themselves from scams. When seniors have home care they have someone in the home with them during the day who can answer the phone and screen calls.

Some of the most common scams that are happening right now that target seniors are:

Fake Delivery Texts

Seniors with smartphones may receive texts from a strange number that claims to be a delivery service. Sometimes they claim to be from the USPS or a well-known company like UPS. The text will say that they are having trouble delivering something and the seniors needs to confirm the address. But when the senior clicks on the link it is a phishing link that allows the criminals to steal information from the senior’s phone. Seniors who bank on their phone could find that money is taken directly out of their accounts by the criminals.

Identity Theft Calls From The Bank

Another popular scam right now is when a criminal calls pretending to be someone from a senior’s bank. These scams are so good they can even spoof, or copy, the actual phone number from the bank so the call seems legitimate. When a senior answers the caller will say they are from the bank and need to verify information. Usually they will ask for a code that is texted. The caller is really a scammer trying to gain access to the senior’s account. When the code is texted and the senior tells the criminal the code the criminal is able to use that code to get into the senior’s account and take money or steal their identity.

Medicare Scams

Home Care The Villages FL - The Most Common Scams Right Now Targeting Seniors

Home Care The Villages FL – The Most Common Scams Right Now Targeting Seniors

Sometimes criminals will try to get personal information from seniors by calling them and pretending to be from Medicare. They will ask for personal information like date of birth and Social Security number. When seniors give that information thinking they need to provide it to access their Medicare the criminals take that information to steal the senior’s identity.

There’s no fool-proof way that seniors can avoid scams. However, seniors should make it a rule to never give out their personal information like a passcode, Social Security number, or account number to anyone on the phone. Legitimate businesses like banks will never ask for that information on the phone. Seniors should always hang up if they get a suspicious call then call the bank, credit card company, or their insurer directly to find out if there is something they need to do.

Sources: https://www.aarp.org/money/scams-fraud/info-2023/fake-usps-ups-smishing-texts.html




If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in The Villages FL please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home Ocala & The Villages, FL today. Call 352-414-5316

Touching Hearts at Home Ocala & The Villages, FL is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Ocala, The Villages, Dunnellon, Belleview, Top of the World, and the surrounding areas.

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