
Touching Hearts at Home Blog


Survivor Day

In 1999, Senator Harry Reid, who lost his father to suicide, introduced a resolution to the United States Senate which led to the forming of the International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.  Also known as…

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During National Family Caregivers Month, recognition is given to family caregivers who face many challenges when a family member needs full time care. “Caregiving can be a 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week job,” states the Caregiver Action Network,…

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Did you know that summer heart attacks are often due to hot temperatures? Heat-related illnesses, like heat exhaustion or heat stroke, happen when a body is not able to properly cool itself. While the body…

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Continue living!

Continue living – Dr. Suzanne Lesage emphasizes that an Alzheimer’s diagnosis doesn’t mean the person’s life is over. She stresses that there can be significant quality of life, even later in the disease’s progression. She…

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More Independence

Independence Day is being celebrated soon and the older our country is getting, so too is its generation of baby boomers.  Do you know any?  Maybe you are one, or maybe you are a younger…

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Elder Abuse

Did you know, in the U.S. alone, it is estimated more than half a million reports of abuse against elderly Americans reach authorities every year, and millions more cases go unreported?  The National Council on…

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